Congrats to everyone that participated in the SOPA/PIPA Jan 18th blackout, even if all you did was sit on Twitter and complain(some strong language was used), you did something to bring the topic into the foreground. Yesterday’s on-line unity was… Continue reading →
Happy Friday the 13th! You know that look your pets give you when you are vacuuming? No not this look: More like the ‘I will eat you if you get any closer’ look.. ? That was the look on my face as I read reports today that the Electronic Pr… Continue reading →
Yesterday we covered the hot topic of Google’s social search from a very ‘news’ perspective. If you haven’t watched the tour video take a minute and hit play on the video below. The truth is that Google is rolling this new searc… Continue reading →
Ini adalah pertanyaan yang kerap terlontar saat bisnis atau perusahaan berkampanye di social media, mengatur postingan Facebook, Tweet, Blog dan yang lainnya. Merupakan pekerjaan besar untuk mereka dan untuk perusahaan […] Continue reading →