Today I saw the start of a graphical ad campaign by DuckDuckGo aimed at explaining how search personalization creates a ‘bubble’ that traps your search ability. Here is the link to the ad-site if you want to give your brain a wash. Mark Zuc… Continue reading →
Hari ini Facebook membuat pengumuman yang sangat penting untuk seluruh pelaku pemasaran baik online maupun offline terkait dengan sistem baru di brand page atau fan page. Social media bentukan Mark […] Continue reading →
Seperti telah dijanjikan, jejaring sosial raksasa, Facebook, telah mulai melempar sistem timeline untuk fan page. Ini merupakan langkah baru dari rangkaian fase dan fitur baru yang akan mereka terapkan untuk […] Continue reading →
Following up on my previous blog post from Monday where I recapped the launch and implementation of the Google Algorithm update affectionately known as "Panda." First released in February of 2011, Panda has been through several iterations and h… Continue reading →