Freedom Online? Not if the free-loaders have any say about it, and brother, they will not shut up. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, “when you cut the head off the serpent two more shall replace it“. True to form, each… Continue reading →
Oh boy do I like to work. I often have 14 or 16 hour work sprees. I am addicted to work. Work brings me satisfaction and expands my horizons.
But you know what? Best ideas that I ever had, happened during my time off work. Like when strolling down the shore line. Or driving.
Almost as if my brain refuses to come up with something really creative unless it’s in idle mode. When I am forcing it to come up with a great solution to a problem – nothing. Nada. Zilch. Continue reading →
Aktor Hollywood papan atas, Ashton Kutcher akan berperan sebagai Steve Jobs di film indie yang bercerita tentang biografi pendiri Apple tersebut. Jika aktor dengan follower Twitter lebih dari 10 juta […] Continue reading →
It seems that Google is trying to breathe life into its failing Google+ social network with a new patent on its System and Method for Generating a Ghost Profile for a Social Network. Considering the waning popularity of Google latest social platform, i… Continue reading →