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What should we write about next – WordPress plugin

 After a long time here is another plugin from our brewery. This one is really handy. “What should we write about next” allows your users to quickly leave feedback at the end of your posts. The idea behind this plugin is very simple – allow your visitors to leave a quick feedback about what would they want to read next on your site.This improves interaction, gives you topic ideas and makes your visitors feel useful. It’s a win-win plugin. Continue reading →

How to redirect WordPress homepage to admin/login form

 If you are building a WordPress site where all the action is happening in the back-end, you may not need the front-end at all. In this case you’d want all visitors coming to the website to go directly to the login/registration form. Here is a simple way to redirect all front-end requests to the back-end. 1. Edit your theme’s index.php and add these two lines to the top:header("Location: ".get_admin_url()); exit();2. Continue reading →