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The Valley is focusing too much on 140 characters and not enough on flying cars

 Peter Thiel says that the “the Valley is focusing too much on 140 characters and not enough on flying cars” and this message resonated really well with me. There is so much money floating around and it’s being invested to startups that really solve no problem. Even worse, some of them basically invent the problem and then try to convince us that we had it all along. Continue reading →

Meaningful Gamification

 Gamification has been one of the hot Internet trends lately. If you are not familiar with the term – Gamification is a process of taking game mechanics and bringing it to businesses that are otherwise boring. There is a lot of talk about Gamification and it seems that every new service nowadays has some form of it implemented. This Ted Talk suggests that 50% of all innovation and 70% of top global 2000 apps will be gamified by 2015.The guy is all excited about it, but I cringe in horror. Why? Continue reading →

Do NOT fail at customer support

 As I use more and more startups, I witness many forgetting the importance of user support, to the extent that it hurts. This post is to promise myself that my startup won’t suck at user support. Startup stage It seems by definition that the smaller company is, the better support they will have. This is mostly true thanks to the fact that in this stage you will usually get support directly from the founders. Continue reading →