Aktor Hollywood papan atas, Ashton Kutcher akan berperan sebagai Steve Jobs di film indie yang bercerita tentang biografi pendiri Apple tersebut. Jika aktor dengan follower Twitter lebih dari 10 juta […] Continue reading →
It seems that Google is trying to breathe life into its failing Google+ social network with a new patent on its System and Method for Generating a Ghost Profile for a Social Network. Considering the waning popularity of Google latest social platform, i… Continue reading →
Seperti biasa, memasuki April, Google melansir beberapa kreasi unik. Semisal, untuk April ini mesin pencari bentukan Sergey Brin dan Larry Page dimaksud membuat Google Maps untuk Nintendo Entertainment System. Paket […] Continue reading →
Frequently we get sent AdWords coupons from Google. You’ll have often seen offers for $50 in free credits (if nowhere else than from your hosting company I’m sure) but we’ve recently received 2 such coupon codes for $100 each. W… Continue reading →