“Arrrgh! Shiver me timbers! Mizen the topsail! Be that land I see through my metal eye?!” Okay so Google’s new Augmented Reality Glasses aren’t just for one-eyed pirates, heck even a two eyed pirate can find a use for these R… Continue reading →
Dengan kian berkembangnya serta makin banyaknya pengguna Twitter, membuat micro blogging ini menjadi sedikit “kacau.” Kacau disini adalah menjamurnya pengguna Twitter yang kurang paham mengenai aturan dasar dan etika ber-Twitter. […] Continue reading →
There was a really good post from Michael Gray called Facebook Brand Page Timeline Checklist in which he detailed some very important steps for companies to take in making the transition over the new Facebook Timeline feature. Starting March 30th, Face… Continue reading →
Freedom Online? Not if the free-loaders have any say about it, and brother, they will not shut up. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, “when you cut the head off the serpent two more shall replace it“. True to form, each… Continue reading →