Poor Marissa Mayer, she’s the 5th person, this year alone, to try and helm the sinking ship that is Yahoo, I hope she’s ready for the challenge! Massive layoffs and constant stream of competition await Yahoo’s new CEO. Marissa … Continue reading →
Marissa Mayer, anggota termuda dari tim eksekutif Google dan sempat menjabat sebagai juru bicara mesin pencari raksasa ini, sekarang menjabat sebagai business executive & president & CEO…
Berita Online Marketing Terkini – Digital Marketing N… Continue reading →
It was over a year ago that the MPAA and the RIAA announced they would be introducing a groundbreaking anti-piracy plan in conjunction with US ISPs. The scheduled start was set for July 2012, the parties involved state that they are not yet ready to im… Continue reading →
Di Yahoo!, kami memberi perhatian serius terhadap keamanan, dan menaruh investasi besar untuk perangkat perlindungan data pengguna kami di semua produk.
Kami mengonfirmasi bahwa sebuah arsip lama…
Berita Online Marketing Terkini – Digital Marketing … Continue reading →