I’d like to wish all readers of my blog a very Happy New Year, may it bring you success greater than in the previous one.
I have been very busy growing my own company – we are now at 40 employees, jump from 4 that we had just a year ago. It has been an amazing and unexpected ride.
Prelovac Media today creates web applications, mobile applications and games. So much has become from what basically has started as this blog.
The guys from Supersonic Parachute, our gaming division, made these cool drawings to mark the entrance to our new office.
Btw our new office is just phenomenal. I feel like on the deck of the starship Enterprise every time I enter.

Mobile and web apps

This is where ManageWP is made
To celebrate everything, we threw a big New Year’s party and we had a blast! You check out the images on Facebook.
I really hope that we will manage to create brilliant new apps and games this year and impact more people lives in a good way.
Related Articles:
- A Tribute to Commodore
- We have liftoff! ManageWP pre-order launched!
- ManageWP.com has been Launched!
- Meaningful Gamification
- Enhancing WordPress security with two-factor authentication plugins