13 simple tips to write more exciting blog posts

What do I have to do to write more exciting blog posts? It’s a question that I asked myself for months. But actually, the answer for me was quite simple…

As a teacher and web developer I’m used to write a lot of tutorials. I found out that a lot of tips for writing better tutorials, also could be used for writing better blog posts. I also found a lot of useful information on blogs like Problogger.net and YoungPrePro.com. So these tips are a mix of my experiences as a teacher / tutorial writer and tricks I got from other bloggers:

  1. Keep it simple, avoid difficult language
  2. Write as you were talking to your reader
  3. Always stay positive!
  4. Use emotive language
  5. Write a short introduction and conclusion
  6. Start your post with the important things
  7. Make use of sub-headings (h2-h3)
  8. Create lists
  9. Insert images
  10. Link to related articles
  11. Bold your keywords or keyphrases
  12. Stay professional
  13. Provide a call to action

By the way, if you want to learn more about writing better blog posts, I can highly advise you to read (just like I did) Darren Rowse’s The Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers:


Darren Rowse is one of todays most influencing and inspiring bloggers. He started Problogger.net and also wrote some ebooks, learning others how to become a better blogger.

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